Sacks of wind: a rock harder than rock at STATION, Melbourne

Nov 24 - Dec 22 2018
Solo exhibition
Installation photography Jack Willet
Detail photography by Jessica Maurer

I am a stag: of seven tines 2018
oil on the reverse of recycled tempered glass, bronze close-readers, steel 31.5 x 6.0 cm

I am a lure: from paradise 2018
oil on the reverse of recycled tempered glass, bronze close-readers, steel 47.7 x 39.3 x 6.0 cm

I am the blaze: on every hill 2018
oil on the reverse of recycled tempered glass, bronze close-readers, steel 47.8 x 39.4 x 6.0 cm

I am a tear: the sun lets fall 2018
oil on the reverse of recycled tempered glass, bronze close-readers, steel 50.0 x 49.8 x 6.0 cm

I am a wizard: who but I sets the cool head aflame with smoke? 2018
oil on the reverse of recycled tempered glass, bronze close-readers, steel 47.7 x 57.0 x 6.0 cm

I am the queen: of every hive 2018
oil on the reverse of recycled tempered glass, bronze close-readers, steel 60.0 x 41.2 x 6.0 cm

I am the womb: of every holt 2018
oil on the reverse of recycled tempered glass, bronze close-readers, steel 50.0 x 6.0 cm

I am a hill: where poets walk 2018
oil on the reverse of recycled tempered glass, bronze close-readers, steel 65.0 x 65.0 x 4.0 cm

I am a hawk: above the cliff 2018
oil on the reverse of tempered glass, bronze close-readers, steel 90.0 x 90.0 x 4.0 cm

I am a breaker: threatening doom 2018
oil on the reverse of tempered glass, bronze close-readers, steel 90.0 x 90.0 x 4.0 cm

I am a wind: on a deep lake 2018
oil on the reverse of recycled tempered glass, bronze close-readers, steel 87.0 x 71.0 x 6.0 cm

I am a wonder: among flowers 2018
oil on the reverse of recycled tempered glass, bronze close-readers, steel 77.7 x 51.5 x 4.0 cm